30s30d: D2

“Good Enough for Goodbye”

30S30D - D2 - Good Enough for Goodbye.png

Prompt: I’ll be fine with a bottle of wine
Submission of Member: Brian C




There’s been something that’s been bothering me for a while, but I really haven’t processed it. Maybe because it’s too painful.
Painful to learn that people I love may be mean, or painful to learn that I did something to put distance between them.
Some failure of character.

I have a couple of friends with whom I used to be really really close, but lately we haven’t been connecting.

At first I just thought it was because we were busy, it was hard to coordinate schedules, hard to align everything with limited time and transportation…

But here’s something I learned from my failed romantic relationships: if someone can’t make time for you, it’s because they won’t make time for you.

While it’s a difficult pill to swallow, I know it’s true, and I also know that once you let things go, you create a spiritual vacuum for better things to flow in.

This is my pouty little folky emo song about this experience. I wasn’t planning on writing about it, but it ended up being the perfect little songlet for today’s prompt.

Cheers -

🖤 L


We talk a lot about this made-up (kinda) genre of “bummer folk,” especially when it comes to discussing the stylistic direction of my side-project One Big Dark Room.

This friend that inspired today’s song showed me a lot of this music when I was first writing Orange Days on Lemon Street and beyond.

Magnolia Electric Co. is one of the bands I think of when I think of that style…

This is one of my favorites.


Thank you so much for your support!

There’s always room for more song prompts in the database - please submit some here.

Also - HOLY MOLY -

I saw so many amazing new prompts come in today! So excited for this month’s daily lottos…

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