July Keyholder Concert: Tonight!

“Alone for a While” Quintet Performance


Excited to see you tonight-

As you might recall, we had originally had our July concert scheduled for last week, but due to a Covid-related snag, we had to postpone.

So- we're getting together tonight! It was a blessing in disguise actually, because now Oliver Steck can join us (he was out of town last week), making our quartet a quintet!

Tonight we'll be performing the whole new album, Alone for a While, top-to-bottom, live in front of an audience for the first time. I'm definitely a little nervous and have got some butterflies, but I'm also super pumped!

Here's the link to the broadcast:

I've been hard at work trying to make this week special for you all between all the daily content, the emails, and live stream events. Tonight will I think be the most exciting, and the most rewarding and fun for me personally out of all this week's events - so I really hope you can make it for a little bit if you're available.

We'll start at about 8PM. You don't need a YouTube account to watch the show (you can even watch it right from this page here on Patreon using the viewer above), but you will need a YouTube account to participate in the chat (which I hope you will!).

This concert will be a little different - I'm hoping we can get some okay footage of these songs to use for promotional purposes throughout the rest of launch week and beyond. Because of this, we'll be taking mini breaks in between each song off-camera to make sure everyone's clear on whatever is next and to troubleshoot any tech issues that might come up.

It is also entirely possible that my dog Elvis will cry the whole time and we won't get anything usable. 🤣 That would be okay, too, I guess - hey, it's live!

Again, you can use this link to enter tonight:

if you're not sure how my timezone translates to yours, here's a world-clock converter to help you out:

Show will start about 8PM CST - so as not to be too late for East-Coasters, nor too early for West Coasters.

Don't forget - it's not too late to join us for the live album launch "experience," in which I'm dripping out album tracks and tons of bonus/exclusive content that pertains to the new record throughout the week leading up to the public release this Friday, August 6. 

You can sign up here if you haven't yet.

I came to the devastating realization yesterday that some MAJOR parts of my email operation (delivering the experience content) were actually, in fact, not functioning.

So if you signed up over the weekend but hadn't gotten anything from me yet, you should have an email from me in your inbox right now that will take you to today's "diary."

Please don't share the above link with anyone else, as this event is expressly for you and single-time-ticketholders.
If you know of anyone that might enjoy this event, you can use this link to spread the word (and I would be so appreciative!):

See you tonight!

🗝 Lex


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August Keyholder Concert


“Better Together”