7S7D D6: “Square One”

Audio Block
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prompt: square one
assigned by: song game




WHOA. It's day six. I kind of can't believe it... this has gone by SO FAST.

Thank you all for being here and helping support my art. It means the world to me.

It's been amazing to know that I have 30 people counting on me to turn something in each day. Amazing to know that I have 30 people in my corner, 30 people that want me to keep making music.

Probably the scariest part about the song-a-day thing is that, especially the last few days, I've given myself the prompt at the beginning of my writing session, so I basically have zero brew-time to consider and develop whatever my intial idea is. As promised, I've been using a random number generator to select the prompt from a database I've started collecting including some of the prompt ideas you have given me. So please give me more 'cause with this seven-day stretch, it has been a bit depleted!

Today's prompt was "square one." I don't always use the prompt to dictate the basic idea/motivation/"thesis" of a song but I guess I have been mostly this week. I knew after the last few bummer days I wanted to write something medium-swing, and I'm pretty happy with how this turned out. It's really relieving when writing songs a lot to switch from today's basic Verse/Chorus/Verse/Bridge/Chorus formula to the A/B/A round so common of yesteryear.

What I love most about standards is how relatable they are. The lyrics are so powerful because they can be so applicable - so I was channeling that when writing this.

I hope you like it! One more and then WE'RE DOING THE LIVE STREAM! I'm afraid.

If you love what you're seeing here, please consider sharing my plight on your social feeds to help us get closer to our first goal here at Patreon before the end of this pledge drive. We're about $179 away. Pretty cool! Whoever becomes a subscriber before the web concert on Monday, March 13th will be able to join us! 

You can direct them to this link: patreon.com/lexland





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7S7D D7: “Awake”


7S7D D5