Hello January!
The latest:
Have lots of exciting things planned and a good loose map of what I’m hoping to do for this next year. Wasn’t as busy with gigs and events last month as I have been in other years, but still had a lot going on, so wasn’t as productive with recordings as I had hoped. However, I’m really looking forward to this coming year and can’t wait to get the ball rolling…
December Recap:
Penned my first-ever “wintry” One Big Dark Room song: Each December (including a prompt submitted by Keyholder Joe L).
opened on my 2023 retrospection and plans for 2024 (and opened up the session for the latest single, Too Many to Count) in the December Vault event
had a blast doing our SIXTH year of holiday/winter Crooner Coffee Hour broadcasts! (… now broadcasting those to Youtube and Facebook Live in addition to Twitch)
The plan for this month:
Still looking toward trying to get as much recording done as possible, and working on batching content to support the future releases. I do have a production calendar set up (perhaps an optimistic one, but hey, we gotta start somewhere) and a clear strategy/plan for what I’d like to do, so it will really be a matter of just executing on the plan and not letting myself get too hung up on details/perfectionism.
The 2024 plan is to, basically, release as much as possible, with the primary focus of course on the Holly Frost project followed by One Big Dark Room and Moorhaunter, respectively.
My current goal is: 2 HF releases per month (probably one original and one cover), and one release per month for the other projects (probably alternating between originals and covers, but I’m going to let myself intuit what to do once I’m there). If I can do more, that would be really great.
It’s probably not news by now since I’ve been saying it for a while… publicly releasing new music is the current #1 priority. The streams are fun, and I have a ton of other things I’d like to do, but if I’m not getting new music out there then all the other effort is in support of… ???
So I’ve really got to focus down on that. Fortunately, because of all the writing you’ve helped me do here, I could be releasing music for a long long time and not run out of original stuff. I think we’re at like 8 hours of unreleased music at this point that I know of, though it’s probably more. I still intend on writing at least one new song per month, since that is the primary deliverable for you here at The Vault.
Ideally, I’d like to also deliver whatever new releases are coming out to you a month in advance of the public release. Because of how I expect the next few weeks will go and how I’ll be probably getting things finalized right as they need to go out, practically, I’m not sure when I’ll be able to get ahead enough to make that a reality… but that’s the plan!
Event + Broadcast Schedule:
With the focus really needing to be on tracking and releasing, and because that endeavor will be incredibly time-consuming, that means the streams will be operating at a minimum. While I’ll continue to hold the weekly Crooner Coffee Hour for Holly Frost and the monthly Vault Event, I’m afraid everything else needs to go into pause-mode ‘til I’ve made some progress.
Crooner Coffee Hour continues, starting this Friday, Jan 5 (Friday mornings at 11AM ET)
Disney-song broadcasts and moorhaunter broadcasts continue their pause.
I’m also taking away One Big Dark Room livestreams for Quarter 1, hoping to reinstate them in Q2 if it makes sense to do so.
Once everything is back in order, the plan is to do CCH Friday Mornings normal time, OBDR 2nd Tuesday of each month, Vault Events 3rd Tuesday of each month.
I’m trying to be better about getting everything booked on the LoveLetterMusic calendar so you also have reference if you need it, but of course the best way to know what’s happening is to opt-in to notifications in our Discord Server.
LINKS for this Friday’s CCH 😊:
Facebook Live:
Our December
will take place:
January 16, 2023
at 3PM ET
you can enter through the
events/concert tab
Happy New Year, beautiful friends!
rewards access: